Collibra Tutorial

Welcome to the Collibra tutorial blog! We live in a digital age where organizations depend on data to run key business operations and make critical business decisions. Data has gained a lot of importance over the past decade because of the value that it brings to the table. Each business relies on data to make critical business decisions.

A typical organization has multiple data sources that generate data at high velocity. The data from these sources undergoes various transformations and changes before it is ready for consumption. Modern organizations use AI and ML technologies to get the most out of this data.

Data quality is a significant challenge today’s data-driven organizations face. Relying on low-quality data can impact organizations' operations and overall growth. Depending on low-quality data would result in loss of millions of dollars every year for organizations.

To overcome data quality challenges, organizations need technology that helps them better understand data, enforce policies, trace back data history, know the current data status, use particular data, etc. Collibra is a data governance and catalog platform that allows organizations to build frameworks and implement strategies for creating quality data sets that organizations can rely on. 

What is Collibra

Collibra is a powerful enterprise-grade data catalog and data governance software offered as Software as a service (SaaS). It captures metadata of each data set, creates an organized inventory of organizational data assets, and securely governs data assets.

The Collibra platform helps stakeholders and data users better understand data assets. It gives clear information about where the data set is located, what data it contains, what purpose and in what way the data can be used, whether the data asset is aligned with regulatory compliance, etc. In a nutshell, Collibra acts as a centralized collaborative platform for data users, and IT drastically improves data usage and the decision-making process.

Looking for a Practical Job Oriented Collibra Training? Check out our Collibra Certification Course.


Collibra Features:

To support the data governance, data quality, and data management needs of organizations, Collibra offering below features:

1) Collibra Data Catalog:

Data cataloging organizes data assets and captures metadata to manage and access the required data assets. It provides the features to find the correct data at the right time and use it for the right purpose.

Collibra data catalog is an innovative feature that neatly organizes and stores data assets and enables users to quickly discover and use data effectively. Users can easily navigate to every aspect of a data set and make efficient use of data.

2) Collibra Data Governance

Data Governance is implementing security policies and standards to ensure that data is qualitative and available only to authorized users. It ensures that the data is high-quality and secure to support business intelligence operations.

Collibra offers extended data governance capabilities to ensure data quality and shareability.

3) Collibra Data Lineage

Data Lineage is a mechanism that helps users understand the complete data journey and its transformation over some time. It lets users get a fair idea of different aspects such as data origin, changes it has brought, data moment, etc. 

Collibra Data Lineage is a notable feature that allows users to understand a data asset journey and how it is shaped over time. Data lineage helps trace errors back and provides simplified visibility into data.

4) Collibra Data Privacy:

Privacy is a critical factor in any business aspect and data is no exception. Collibra features allow organizations to maintain data privacy by simplifying policy & privacy implementation processes.

Related Article: Collibra Interview Questions

Why is Collibra used?

The Collibra tool is generally used by IT and data owners to create an organized inventory of data that is qualitative, secure, and easy to access. Collibra can also be used for data tracking purposes and to create data-related regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, etc.

Collibra helps organizations strictly implement data regulatory policies and avoid potential fines. It is used to organize, manage, and clearly understand every data set in the organization.

Collibra Advantages:

Collibra is being used by businesses to manage data assets more organizedly and with stewardship. It enables organizations to maintain consistency and quality, and follow compliances. Following are some of the common advantages of using Collibra tool:

1) Enhanced Data Quality

Collibra supports businesses that can implement data quality standards, quality improvement, data monitoring, etc. It eliminates data silos and leverages Ai to detect anomalies automatically.

2) Simplified Regulatory Approach

With Collibra, it is easier to implement and follow complex privacy regulations across the enterprise and avoid legal issues and penalties.

3) High Productivity:

Collibra acts as a shared centralized platform to streamline and automate workflows. Moreover, it supports real-time alerting systems to take preventive measures.

4) Fast & Improved Decisions

Collibra helps achieve high-quality data, and high-quality data will result in more informed data-based decisions.

5) Easy Collaboration & Data Sharing:

With Collibra, it is easier to achieve data collaboration between business users and different IT teams. 


Collibra has become an essential part of the data engineering world with its advanced capabilities to secure and govern data. The growing implementation of Collibra has created a good demand for skilled professionals, and Techsolidity specializes in delivering practical Collibra skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Is Collibra an MDM tool?

Collibra is a data governance platform that helps organizations manage quality data and make reliable decisions. It is different from master data management tools in that it can be integrated with any MDM platform to create silos-free and reliable datasets.

2) How does Collibra Support Data Governance?

Collibra is a popular data governance platform that helps businesses create an inventory of data assets. It uses a mechanism to capture metadata about each asset and govern it.

It has advanced data governance capabilities to automate data workflows, provide data lineage, auto-generate and apply data quality rules, help users use data privacy and protection regulations, etc.

3) Can Collibra integrate with other tools and systems?

Collibra is a flexible data governance platform with built-in integration features to connect with external systems and applications quickly. It supports various integrations with data warehouses, CRM platforms, data sources, etc., and enables systems to move data and metadata in and out of Collibra.

Moreover, Collibra supports REST and GraphQL API-based integrations to move data in and out of the Collibra platform.

4) Why is Collibra Training Important?

Understanding the working process of each component of the Collibra platform is essential. Collibra training will help you explore each component, its usage, and best practices. Getting training from experienced Collibra professionals will help you become an expert in working with this platform.

5) How Can Techsolidity Help in Learning Collibra?

Techsolidity offers intensive practical Collibra training programs online for participants in the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Australia, etc.  Following are the key features of our comprehensive Collibra learning:

  • Expert Instructors: We have a poll of Collibra real-time data governance experts who design and deliver this training.
  • Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible schedules that match different time zones and are suitable for candidates worldwide.
  • Interactive Sessions: We follow an interactive approach to deliver Live online sessions.
  • Hands-on Labs: We provide Collibra labs to offer Practical exercises and real-world experience.
  • Certification Support: Guidance is provided for Collibra certification exams, helping learners achieve recognized credentials and get industry recognition.

By Tech Solidity

Last updated on June 24, 2024