Collibra Interview Questions

Collibra Interview Questions and Answers

Welcome to Collibra interview questions and answers blog! Collibra is one of the commonly used platforms by organizations for effective management of massive volumes of data. It is a data catalog platform with AI and ML capabilities that lets stakeholders and data engineers govern and understand data better.

Collibra helps organizations capture end-to-end changes to a data asset and allows users to understand it better. It offers features such as Data catalog, data governance, data lineage, data privacy, etc. This blog covers the frequently asked Collibra interview questions with detailed answers. Let's get into the blog!
Basic Collibra Interview Questions and Answers

1) What is Data Catalog?

A Data Catalog is a mechanism that consists of search metadata collection and data management capabilities. It helps data engines or business users organize data assets in an easy-to-access manner, quickly find the data they need at the right time, and simplify data analysis or business purposes.

The data catalog would help organizations to implement data policies, compliances, auto profiling, etc. 

2) What are the Benefits of Data Catalog?

Following are the typical advantages of data catalog:

  • Better management & understanding of data
  • Easy to access & analyze data faster
  • Improved reliability of data for analysis
  • Creates a reliable sources for BI Inticatives

3) What is Data Governance?

Data Governance is a process of making data accurate, secure and available for only authorized users. The main goal of data governance is to maintain quality data that is secure and seamlessly accessible. 

4) Name a few advantages of Data Governance?

Following are the some of the notable advantages of data governance:

  • Enhances organizational data accuracy
  • Supports growing data needs
  • Simplifies security, data privacy and compliance implementation
  • Helps ensure data accuracy, data integrity, completeness and consistency.
  • Promote data analytics with ready to use high quality data & support.

5) Why is Data Governance Essential?

Below are the reasons:

  • Cleaner data
  • Accurate analytics
  • Reliability to make decisions
  • Better positioning
  • Supports growth

Get practical data catalog and data governance skills through our Collibra certification training program.


6) What is the use of Data Lineage?

Data lineage is a framework that can record end-to-end events of a data set from origin to end. It records events like where the data originated from, what changes have been made to the dataset, etc. This clear documentation helps users understand and trace back different points of the dataset for validation.

7) Why do businesses Rely on the Data Lineage Process?

Reliable data is essential to making accurate business decisions. Data has to travel through many points, such as migrations, transformations, updates, etc., to reach its destination. Organizations use the data lineage process to test data integrity.

8) What is Collibra?

Collibra is a popular and feature-rich data catalog platform used by thousands of organizations to efficiently manage and govern their data sets. In simple terminology, the Collibra tool helps business users or stakeholders understand the available data sets, what elements a data set contains, the purpose of the data set, the compliance state of the data, etc.

Collibra acts as a one-stop solution for managing and governing enterprise-grade data. It offers a pool of tools, such as data cataloging, data lineage, data stewardship, etc. It also supports organizations in complying with popular compliances such as GDPR, CCPA, etc. 

9) What are the advantages of the Collibra platform?

Following are the common features of Collibra?

  • Data management and policy implementation
  • Simplifies data accessibility
  • Visualize and track data
  • Data quality management
  • Data profiling for quality management
  • Simplified master data entities
  • Easy data collaboration
  • Reporting and analytics

10) Collibra Uses?

The following are the top uses of the Collibra platform:

  • Data Governance
  • Data Lineage
  • Data Cataloging
  • Data Stewardship
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Data Privacy and Security
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Data Lifecycle Management
  • Master Data Management (MDM)
  • Data Analytics and Insights

11) Who is the Data Steward?

Data Stewards are individuals or teams who are responsible for data management.  The following are the typical roles of a data steward:

  • Data Quality Management
  • Data Classification and Cataloging
  • Data Security and Access Control
  • Data Governance Enforcement
  • Data Lineage and Traceability
  • Data Privacy and Compliance

12) What is a Collibra Data Notebook?

Collibra Data Notebook is a querying tool that allows users to query data in real-time using an SQL editor. It also allows users to register data sources and create notebooks. 


Collibra is one of the leading data catalog and governance solutions, offering rich features, and is capable of meeting organizations' growing data needs. This Collibra interview questions blog will soon be updated with more questions, and thanks for reading. 

By Tech Solidity

Last updated on May 30, 2024