Selenium online training by Techsolidity is designed & delivered by leading test automation professionals. This program is a blend of theory, projects, use cases, and labs and makes you an expert in performing automation testing. With our Selenium training course, you learn core concepts like Selenium IDE, Selenium Client API, Selenium web driver, TestNg, AutoIT, Location techniques, remote control, JUnit, Selenium RC, web alerts, objects modeling, Selenium test Grid, test scripts, mobile testing, and more. This Selenium testing course program teaches you to use popular automation frameworks such as keyword-driven, data-driven, Hybrid, and BDD. Work on real-life automation projects through our selenium automation testing course.
Selenium is a popular automation tool and supports different programming languages and operating systems.
According to Enlyft cystitis, Selenium holds a market share of 27.6%.in the software testing segment.
Top Industries like, computer software, healthcare, financial services, insurance, retail, education, and more are using Selenium.
Selenium training concepts, labs, projects, use-cases, and more have been designed & developed carefully by our leading automation experts to create a streamlined path for your next job. Below listed are the modules that you are going to come across in this Selenium online Training.
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Once you finish this online Selenium testing training you will be able to:
This Selenium online training is closely aligned with the industry Web automation requirements and transforms the learners into skilled automation experts. Upon the successful completion of this Selenium training and certification program, you will gain hands-on experience to perform any type of automation test.
This Selenium course covers a range of concepts from core java basics & basics of automation testing to advanced test automation concepts using labs, projects, and use cases. This course lets you explore the key areas of Selenium such as WebDriver, Grid, IDE, web elements, TestNG, Page Object Model, Automation Frameworks, and more.
You are required to have a knowledge of Core Java, HTML, CSS, and XML to register in our Selenium certification training.
Our Selenium course is suitable for:
Software testing is one of the important stages where the newly developed software is being tested. It helps us identify bugs and fix them before the product gets released into the market. It helps organizations in releasing error-free software into the market and gaining customer loyalty.
Selenium is a software test automation framework that is highly flexible and supports multiple programming languages and Operating Systems. Companies use Selenium to test web applications and to run scripts across different browsers.
The advanced capabilities of Selenium tools such as multi-browser compatibility, multi-language support, high performance, easy integration, effective testing, low cost, etc, have brought it huge popularity.
Once you finish your online Selenium training you will receive an electronic course completion certificate from Techsolidiy. You can share this certificate on social media platforms to showcase your business automation skills with employers.
To enhance our learners' ability in understanding the real-time working process of the Selenium tool and to inject them with the knowledge & confidence required to work on their next automation projects, we have included 2 live projects in this training.