Alteryx Interview Questions

Welcome to the Alteryx interview questions and answers blog! If you are looking for the right material to gain knowledge & to clear your Alteryx interview then you have arrived at the right place. Here we have collected frequently asked Alteryx interview questions and answers based on the experts' advice.

Interview Questions on Alteryx

To easily make you understand we have divided this Alteryx interview questions into two parts:

Types of Alteryx Interview Questions

Alteryx Basic Interview Questions

1) What is Alteryx?

Alteryx is a workflow designer tool that allows users to prepare, blend and analyze data from a wide range of sources such as Database connections, flat files, CRM tools, APIs, etc. It supports multiple tools to transform the data into your required format.

Alteryx supports drag-and-drop software and is used for performing tasks such as data mining, data cleansing, machine learning, spatial analysis, ETL, performing BI tasks, etc. It also performs many other functions such as integrating different data sources, pre-processing, predictive modeling, simulations, time series, etc.

2) What is Alteryx Workflow?

An Alteryx workflow is defined as a repeatable workflow process and consists of a file extension of .yxmd. Alteryx facilitates the users to save all the inputs, outputs, configurations, etc, in a single workflow so that you can open and run the workflow several times. In simple words, a workflow is a group of interconnected tools that performs different functions to process data.

Whenever you build a workflow you are required to add and connect different tools. You need to select File> New Workflow to build a new workflow.

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3) How to Add or remove tools in Alteryx?

Adding or removing a tool to a workflow is a frequent task that we perform in the Alteryx tool. When you want to add a tool to workflow, select the required tools from the tool palette and drag it to the workflow canvas, and also you can do this by right-clicking on the workflow to access the menu, and thereby you can insert tools.

When you want to delete a tool from workflow, you have to simply select the tool and click on the delete button on your keyboard. The tool will be removed from the workflow.

4) What is a Workflow Group?

A Workflow group consists of different workflows that you can save and use as a single file. It can be possible to create a workflow group using workflows that already existed and were locally saved.

5) What are the two deployment options offered by the Alteryx Analytics platform?

Following are the two deployment options offered by Alteryx Analytics:

  • Alteryx Designer
  • Alteryx Server

6) What is an Alteryx Designer?

Alteryx Designer is a Windows software application that offers an advanced drag-and-drop interface to support users in creating repeatable workflow processes. It enables users to drag tools from the toolbox and place them onto canvas, integrate them, and make changes to their properties to build workflows, macros, and apps..

Alteryx Designer allows users to build simple yet effective workflows that help users in data enrichment from wide sources, perform analytical functions, and share it with required people. The Drag and drop feature in Alteryx eliminates the complex process and provides instant access and process data.

7) How to Add or remove tools in Alteryx?

Alteryx Designer is written in the C# program language.

8) What language Alteryx Engine is written in?

Alteryx Engine is written in the C++ programming language.

9) What do you know about Alteryx Engine?

The Alteryx Engine executes the workflows built using Alteryx Designer and delivers output. It provides a seamless connection to a wide range of data sources and processes this data while executing the workflow. Alteryx Designer is self-contained, scales easily, and is also deployable in the cloud through Alteryx Analytics Gallery

10) What is the Alteryx Server?

The Alteryx Service provides a required environment for the Alteryx Engine and deploys it on multiple servers. Moreover, this server provides a scalable architecture for supporting various functions of workflows which include scheduling, management, and execution.

11) What is an Alteryx Scheduler?

The Alteryx Scheduler is an essential component that supports a user to schedule the execution of workflows that are built within the Alteryx Designer. Using Scheduler the user can schedule execution of workflows at certain intervals such as specific time, date, or on a recurring basis.

12) What is an Alteryx Service Controller?

The Alteryx Service Controller is an orchestrator of workflow execution and manages service settings and assigns tasks to the Alteryx Service Workers. In general, the controller receives jobs from the Scheduler and delegates the same to the workers.

13) What is an Alteryx Service Worker?

The Alteryx Service Worker is responsible for the execution of workflows. When the controller assigns a job to a worker, then the worker executes it and delivers the output.

14) Why do we use Quality of Service (QoS)?

When you have deployed multiple workers in an environment then there comes Quality of Services that delegates the jobs to each worker.

Alteryx Scenario Based Questions

15) Explain the Alteryx Service Persistence Layer?

The Alteryx Service consists of a persistent layer and this layer has been used to store the critical information that is vital to the functionality of the service. The critical information includes Job queue, application files, and result data.

16) What is Alteryx Gallery?

The Alteryx Gallery is a cloud-hosted application that is being used for executing, publishing, and sharing workflows. Using Alteryx Analytics Gallery users can share apps, macros, and apps with selected users or publicly. Moreover, the Alteryx Server deployment provides a chance for its users to set up a pirate Gallery for their internal users and this should be in their own environment.

17) Explain the Alteryx Engine API?

The Alteryx Engine API supports multi-level integration to access Alteryx Engine and to work directly with data formats supported by data formats.

18) Can Alteryx read Images?

Yes! The Alteryx reads images when you generate a path that involves building a path that extracts the file from the archive.

19) What are all the tasks that a developer can Perform Using Gallery API?

Using the Gallery API the developers can:

  • Retrieve app questions
  • Perform Authentications
  • Retrieve apps in a subscription
  • Retrieve app results
  • Download app package
  • Retrieve app status

20) Name the browsers supported by the Analytics Gallery?

Following are the Gallery supported by analytics Gallery:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer

21) Is there any limit on the App file Size in Alteryx?

Yes, there is a limit and it is 100 MB.

22) What is Data Artisan?

In Alteryx Data Artisan is a user that creates analytic applications using Alteryx Designer desktop. The applications created by data artisan can be shared in the analytics Gallery. Moreover, data artisan also used to share privileges of members.

23) What is the difference between the CrossTab tool and the Transpose tool?

The core idea behind using these tools is to change the direction of the information. Here the CrossTab tool helps the users to turn the vertical information into a flat hub, whereas the Transpose tool turns the information into a vertical pivot.

24) Define Viewer in Alteryx?

A Viewer is a user in Alteryx and has the privilege to run any app in the Public Gallery.

25) What are the different Industries supported by Public Gallery Apps?

Following are the different industries that can make use of Public Gallery apps:

  • Communications,
  • Education
  • Real Estate, 
  • Financial Services,
  •  Retail, and more!

26) Name a few reports that can be generated using the Alteryx application?

Below mentioned are some of the reports that you can build:

  • Excel Reports 
  • Word Reports 
  • PDF documents
  • HTML Reports

27) State a few advantages of Alteryx Designer?

Following are some of the notable advantages of Alteryx Designer:

  • Offers advanced mixing capabilities
  • Easily collaborates with mainstream databases
  • Helps the users in conducting a detailed investigation on information
  • Integrates seamlessly with R and effectively displays data reports
  • Source data from multiple channels and build reports

28) Are there any restrictions in adding users to a collection?

As such there are no restrictions in adding users to a collection. We can scale up and dw=own the number of users based on the requirement.

29) What do you do to see the full details of an application?

In order to view the complete information of an application, we need to click on the Application name. Now it discloses the complete information about the app.

30) How can you run an application?

In order to run an application in Alteryx, we need to click on the application you want to run and you will be able to see the application details and there you see the “Run” button. By clicking on the button you can start their application.


So far we have discussed the most frequently asked apteryx interview questions. Hope you have gained a clear understanding of each question we have discussed over here. We will also update this blog with the latest interview questions asked in the interview so stay tuned to this blog. All the best for your Alteryx interview and Happy learning!

By Tech Solidity

Last updated on May 22, 2024