Workato Course Content

These WorkAto course modules are designed to cover basic to advanced application integration and workflow automation concepts using real-world scenarios. Our course contents are fully customizable and updated regularly to serve users with the latest content and skills.


  • What is Integration & its need
  • Building Blocks of Integration
  • What is Workato


  • Connections
  • Actions
  • Triggers


  • What is Recipe
  • What is Automated Workflow
  • Recipe Components
  • Recipe Customization
  • Building a Simple & Customized Recipe
  • Testing Recipes
  • Expanding Automation
  • Recipe Reports
  • Settings
  • Versions


  • Introduction to Connectors
  • App Connectors
  • Universal Connectors
  • Contributed Connectors


  • Real-time Triggers
  • Scheduled Triggers
  • Batch Triggers
  • Polled Triggers


  • What is Integration & its need
  • Building Blocks of Integration
  • What is Workato


  • Connections
  • Actions
  • Triggers


  • What is Recipe
  • What is Automated Workflow
  • Recipe Components
  • Recipe Customization
  • Building a Simple & Customized Recipe
  • Testing Recipes
  • Expanding Automation
  • Recipe Reports
  • Settings
  • Versions


  • Introduction to Connectors
  • App Connectors
  • Universal Connectors
  • Contributed Connectors


  • Real-time Triggers
  • Scheduled Triggers
  • Batch Triggers
  • Polled Triggers


  • App-level Actions
  • List Actions
  • Conditional Actions


  • API Collections
  • API Recipes
  • API Access
  • API Endpoints


  • Lookup tables
  • Variables connector
  • Lists connectors
  • Collections
  • CSV, XML, JSON parser
  • Message Templates
  • Common Data Models
  • Files Connector
  • Pub-Sub Models


  • General Recipe Issues
  • Code Errors
  • Troubleshooting Tools
  • Best Practices


  • Connection Credentials
  • Data Retention
  • Encryption Key Management 

Get the 100% confidence you need to become a WorkAto professional with our most valuable below resources.

1) Top WorkAto Interview Questions
2) Step-by-Step WorkAto Tutorial
3) Stunning Resumes
4) Clear Documents & Materials

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  • Real-time Trainers
  • Live interactive Sessions
  • Cloud Labs


  • Customized Training Solutions
  • Blended Delivery Model
  • Project Implementation Support


  • High-Quality Videos
  • Access to Materials
  • Permanent Access

Workato Online Training Objectives

WorkAto is an advanced yet easy-to-use workflow automation and data integration platform that streamlines the process of data flow between different applications. This platform has been built from the ground and offers extended integration capabilities that are needed by modern enterprises. Following are the core concepts covered during the WorkAto certification training.

  • Integration & Workflow Automation Basics
  • Walkthrough of Key Components & UI of WorkAto
  • End to end Recipe creation to the deployment process
  • WorkAto Connectors
  • Workato API’s
  • Actions & triggers
  • WorkAto Tools
  • Best Practices
  • Troubleshooting Process
  • WorkAto Project Explanation

This Workato course has been designed to offer real-time practical skills in integration and workflow automation. All the concepts are started from scratch, so that base becomes strong for anyone who doesn't have prior knowledge of Integrations.

There are no Prerequisites to enroll in this learning program. Having SQL, & basic integration knowledge would be beneficial.

Workato is a next-generation workflow automation low-code web application that can be run on any public cloud provider like AWS, GCP, or Azure. It comes with a simple UI and drag & drop functionality to build workflows. Workflows are called Recipes in Workato. 

Workato supports both cloud and on-prem systems and offers extended capabilities to connect applications, data & people. It comes with capabilities such as robustness, high performance, and reliability.

Workato Certification

After thisWorkAto training, you will be awarded a WorkAto course completion certificate and you will also get clear guidance and materials required for official WorkAto certification.


Workato Projects

We have designed this training with an approach to deliver a practical learning experience. WorkAto training associated with simple workflow automation projects & some use-cases to provide hands-on knowledge.

Workato Course Reviews

Workato Training FAQ's

Workato is one of the leading middle-ware platforms supporting organizations in automating business workflows. Workato is being used by organizations to build all types of integrations between applications & data and enables a smooth flow of information across an enterprise. It automates business workflows, eliminates human intervention, and speeds up the process.

No! You need not be an expert in coding in order to learn Workato. Workato comes with a lot of built-in features to eliminate time & effort for coding. It offers easy-to-use drag & drop features using which you can build any sort of integrations just by using built-in features.

Workato belongs to integration/middle-ware tools. It is a tool that helps organizations to build a connected environment & automate the flow of information between various tools.

Following are the benefits of using Workato

  • Eliminates Manual Data Entering Processes
  • Well Utilization of Data
  • Easy to Build Integration
  • Eliminates Data Duplication
  • Better Collaboration
  • High Security

WorkAto consists of  below system roles:

  • Team owner
  • Admin
  • Analyst
  • Operator

Yes, Techsolidty offers you two types of Discounts: one is group discount and the other is referral discount.