Techsolidity offers project-oriented Netsuite training that makes you an expert in working with this cloud ERP platform. This program will teach you fundamental knowledge of Netsuite ERP, CRM, financial management, and professional service automation. This Netsuite certification course covers core skills like platform UI, Netsuite Instance, navigation, suite bundler, saved search, uploading files, roles & permissions, dashboards, personalized preferences and entry forms, advanced templates, staffing options, automation, and more. This comprehensive Netsuite training program encompasses assignments, labs, and projects to make you understand the practical application of this Netsuite ERP.
29,000 plus customers across the globe are trusting Netsuite Platform.
World’s renowned corporations like Cisco, CocaCola, Commvault, Dell Boomi, Hitachi, Pegasus, PMC, Salesforce, SAP, Veritext, and a lot more are using Netsuite.
Talent.com statistics show that the average salary paid to a Netsuite developer in the United States is $1,08,000 per annum.
Netsuite training concepts, labs, projects, use-cases, and more have been designed & developed carefully by our CRM & ERP professionals to create a hurdle-free path for your next job. Below listed are the modules that you are going to come across in this Netsuite online Training.
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Once you are done with the Netsuite training you will be able to:
This Netsuite certification training has been designed in a way to impart the learners with end-to-end Netsuite ERP skills and to transform them into job-ready professionals. By the end of this online Netsuite training program, you will have acquired knowledge to work with the suite of applications offered by the NetSuite platform.
In this Netsuite technical training program you will explore core areas like Netsuite Platform fundamentals, Netsuite One world, User preferences, inventory management, purchase contracts, Netsuite CRM, Journal entries, and data migration, saved searches, and a lot more.
There are no prerequisites to join this online Netsuite functional training course. Anyone who is interested in building their career in ERP & CRM technologies can join this program.
The Netsuite training program is simple and anyone can join this course. In specific this course is best suitable for ERP consultants, Business analysts, IT professionals, etc.
Netsuite is the world’s leading cloud business management solution used by 29,000 plus corporations across 160 countries. Enterprises ranging from small to large scale are relying on the Netsuite platform to run their critical operations because of the advanced capabilities such as scalability, flexibility, agile, highly customizable, real-time analytics, and a lot more.
Netsuite acts as a centralized software system to manage core business functionalities such as ERP, CRM, Financials, inventory management, Professionals Service Automation, and much more. Moreover, the Netsuite platform enables organizations in delivering the best customer & employee experiences & helps in making informed business decisions.
Netsuite offers different certifications to validate the expertise of the candidates. To get certified you have to choose the right exam that can add value to your career.
Once you finish your online Netsuite training you will receive an electronic course completion certificate from Techsolidiy. You can share this certificate on social media platforms to showcase your skills with employers. The certificate issued by Techsolidity adds value to your resume and demonstrates you as a well-trained candidate.
To enhance our learners' ability in understanding the real-time working process of the Netsuite platform and to inject them with the knowledge & confidence required to work on their next projects, we have included 2 live projects in this training.